Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Eyes on World Glaucoma Week through awareness activities

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 (Bernama) -- Osaka-based Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (Santen) will be sponsoring glaucoma awareness-raising activities around the world as part of its efforts to raise public awareness on the eye disease during the World Glaucoma Week from March 10 to 16, 2019.

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, resulting in progressive visual field loss. Early treatment often allows patients to maintain visual field throughout their lifetime, a statement said.

The World Glaucoma Association, of which Santen is an Associate Glaucoma Industry Member, defines a week every March as the World Glaucoma Week and hosts various events globally to encourage people to detect and seek early treatment of glaucoma.

Santen has also implemented various initiatives to increase public awareness of the importance of early detection and continued treatment of glaucoma.

Among the activities held by Santen to this effect was an event billed ‘Recommendations for Continued Treatment and Care’, held in Nagoya on Nov 17 last year, targeting glaucoma patients in the municipality.

The company would also continue to regard the World Glaucoma Week as a period for employees to learn about glaucoma on their own initiative and impart their learning to family members and friends.

The company would devote further efforts to encourage employees, including those working around the world, to deepen their understanding about glaucoma. More details on






Monday, January 28, 2019

Lay down your nuclear weapons urges Buddhist leader

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 28 (Bernama) – Soka Gakkai International (SGI) president, Daisaku Ikeda, in his 2019 peace proposal published recently, called for concerted effort in disarmament and for the youth to become agents of contagious change.

Entitled ‘Toward a New Era of Peace and Disarmament: A People-centered Approach’, Ikeda asked for progress in the abolition of nuclear weapons around the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to be quickened.

According to a statement today, he also stressed the dangers of emerging Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and proposed the prompt convening of a conference to negotiate a treaty banning these weapons.

He asked for a shift from seeing security solely in terms of state or military, towards one with a human focus in order to build a world with meaningful security.

He acknowledged that the complexity of global challenges can make the youth feel that positive change is impossible, but he wants them to resist feelings of resignation and "meet the severe challenges of our age as agents of proactive and contagious change".

He called for an expansion of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) network of universities committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and proposed a world conference of such universities in 2020.

On the abolition of nuclear weapons, he spotlighted the need to expand the ratification of the TPNW to achieve its entry into force, and urged the creation of a group of like-minded states to deepen the debate and promote it.

Looking ahead to the 2020 Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Ikeda called for steps such as the removal of nuclear warheads from high-alert status.

He further proposed that a fourth special session of the UN General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-IV) be held in 2021.

For more details on Ikeda’s 37th annual peace proposal, visit



SINGAPORE, Jan 28 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) -- AM Best has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating of A- (Excellent) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a-” of The New India Assurance Company Limited (New India) (India). The outlook of these Credit Ratings (ratings) is stable.

The ratings reflect New India’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best categorizes as very strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, favorable business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management.

New India’s balance sheet strength reflects solid risk-adjusted capitalization that is supported by low underwriting leverage and the quality of its investment portfolio. In addition, the company’s capital and surplus is the largest among all non-life insurers in India, standing at INR 386 billion (USD 5.9 billion) as of March 31, 2018.

The company’s favorable business profile reflects its solid market position. New India is the largest non-life insurer in India with a 15% share of the market, and is a clear leader in almost every line of business based on gross premium. The company also maintains an underwriting portfolio that is well-diversified by geography and line of business, in India and overseas.

Offsetting rating factors include the company’s unsatisfactory underwriting experience in its key lines of business. Competition in the motor and health business, as well as insufficient tariff adjustments for motor third party are the main challenges New India faces in reducing underwriting losses. However, overall results have been positive due to income from its large investment portfolio, which was more than three times its net premium base in fiscal year 2018. Lastly, New India’s capital and surplus level is susceptible to market volatility, as its equity investments amount to approximately 70% of its net worth.

Positive rating momentum could result from New India showing a consistent improvement in its underwriting and operating performance, while maintaining its very strong risk-adjusted capitalization.

Conversely, negative rating actions could occur if the company’s risk-adjusted capitalization declines to a level below AM Best’s expectations, or if its operating performance deteriorates significantly.

Ratings are communicated to rated entities prior to publication. Unless stated otherwise, the ratings were not amended subsequent to that communication.

This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best’s website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best’s Recent Rating Activity web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view Understanding Best’s Credit Ratings. For information on the proper media use of Best’s Credit Ratings and AM Best press releases, please view Guide for Media - Proper Use of Best’s Credit Ratings and AM Best Rating Action Press Releases.

AM Best is a global rating agency and information provider with a unique focus on the insurance industry. Visit for more information.

Copyright © 2019 by A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Tran Nhat Trung
Financial Analyst
+65 6303 5019

Christopher Sharkey
Manager, Public Relations
+1 908 439 2200, ext. 5159

Chi Yeung Lok
Director, Analytics
+65 6303 5016

Jim Peavy
Director, Public Relations
+1 908 439 2200, ext. 5644

Source : AM Best


SINGAPORE, Jan 28 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) -- AM Best has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating of A (Excellent) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a” of FMG Insurance Limited (FMGIL) (New Zealand). The outlook of these Credit Ratings (ratings) is stable.

The ratings reflect FMGIL’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best categorizes as very strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management (ERM).

FMGIL’s balance sheet strength is underpinned by its risk-adjusted capitalization, as measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR), which AM Best expects to remain at the strongest level over the medium term. The company is viewed to have a comprehensive reinsurance programme, which protects its earnings and balance sheet against very high severity catastrophe events in New Zealand, as well as a prudent capital management policy, which has led to a robust buffer in its local regulatory solvency position and AM Best’s view of capital adequacy. A partially offsetting balance sheet factor is the company’s limited financial flexibility, driven by its 100% ownership by Farmers’ Mutual Group (FMG), a mutual organization.

AM Best views FMGIL’s operating performance as adequate, with the company having generated a five-year average return on equity ratio of 4.5% (fiscal years 2014-2018). Operating results over this period were driven by investment operations, with the company’s five-year average combined ratio having been at a near breakeven position, largely driven by weather and earthquake events in fiscal years 2016 and 2017. Prospectively, the positive impact of recent premium rate adjustments on underwriting performance and continued robust investment returns are expected to support the maintenance of adequate operating results.

AM Best views FMGIL’s business profile as neutral. The company continues to benefit from its position as a leading rural insurer in New Zealand, albeit occupying a relatively small overall market share of 5%, based on 2018 non-life gross written premiums. FMGIL continues to exhibit a strong direct distribution business model, supported by its close relationships with customers and its ownership by FMG, which has a long history and strong brand recognition in New Zealand’s rural sector. Although the company only operates in New Zealand, its premium base is less geographically concentrated when compared with other domestic general insurers as its focus on the rural and provincial sector helps to spread its insured risks across the country.

AM Best views FMGIL’s ERM framework as developed and its approach to managing key risks as appropriate given the size and complexity of the company.

Ratings are communicated to rated entities prior to publication. Unless stated otherwise, the ratings were not amended subsequent to that communication.

This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best’s website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best’s Recent Rating Activity web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view Understanding Best’s Credit Ratings. For information on the proper media use of Best’s Credit Ratings and AM Best press releases, please view Guide for Media - Proper Use of Best’s Credit Ratings and AM Best Rating Action Press Releases.

AM Best is a global rating agency and information provider with a unique focus on the insurance industry. Visit for more information.

Copyright © 2019 by A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Sin Yee Chuah
Associate Financial Analyst
+65 6303 5022

Myles Gould
Associate Director, Analytics
+65 6303 5020

Christopher Sharkey
Manager, Public Relations
+1 908 439 2200, ext. 5159

Jim Peavy
Director, Public Relations
+1 908 439 2200, ext. 5644

Source : AM Best

Friday, January 25, 2019


UNITED SIKHS – San Jose, California, Jan 25 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UNITED SIKHS has initiated a Temporary National Assistance Program (TNAP) to assist the federal employees impacted  by the government shutdown. Today is the 34th day of the shutdown when more than 1,000,000 million federal employees, their families, our fellow countrymen and countrywomen are at the mercy of our elected leaders.  Inter-connected industries and society are feeling the aftermath of government inactivity.  Every American no matter their race, creed and gender have all been adversely impacted by the federal shutdown.  We request elected officials to diligently move forward to end the shutdown as it has dealt a severe blow to not only the economy but the social fabric of the nation. Now is the time for action. As stated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

UNITED SIKHS partners - the Sikh Gurdwaras across the nation, restaurant owners, community centers and other interfaith groups will provide temporary assistance in the form of food items (perishable and non-perishable) and emergency supplies as available and needed. Case managers will be available for assistance and a review of cases on an individual basis. Our case managers can be contacted at our twitter handle @UNITEDSIKHS and by messaging us on our FACEBOOK page.

Federal workers are showing up to work dutifully all the while aware they will not receive a paycheck. This is a heartbreaking situation which puts hundreds of thousands of families in peril and limbo. These consequences trickle down from consumerism to mental anguish to bearing a physical toll on one's being.

We have started a National Assistance Program that will aid in easing some of the burdens that people are facing due to spillover effects onto our communities, our neighbors, our friends and our family. Click here to view our effort in New London, Connecticut.
"This is a great way to carry the Guru's mission forward. We ask everyone to join us in this effort”, stated UNITED SIKHS Community Empowerment Education Director, Dr. Gurparkash Singh.

Gurvinder Singh, International Sikh Aid Director UNITED SIKHS said, "Our Sikh principles bound us to be involved, to watch out for our neighbors, to protect and assist anyone in need.  It is in our teachings that we derive this internal and external drive to serve anywhere need is needed, it is a part of our DNA".

For Assistance: CALL UNITED SIKHS AT 1-888-243-1690

How will the Temporary National Assistance Program (TNAP) campaign work?
•  Bring your government ID to participating Gurdwaras and Sikh Food Bank locations. Contact us through UNITED SIKHS social media channels.
•  A warm meal may be served (optional), a pre-packed nutritional care package with food may be provided (optional), some monetary assistance may be available, in certain locations sangat (Sikh community members) or vendors may be able to come drop off requested food items and at other locations fast food options may be available.

We urge everyone to donate the following –
•         Monetary Donations.
•         Non-Perishable Items.
•         Water.
•         Hygiene Products for Men, Women and Children.
•         Toys.

Any non-perishable items not used will be stored for unexpected disasters or donated to other agencies short of resources. 
Many Gurdwaras across the nation have already joined the program. If your Gurdwara, community center or restaurant is interested in joining the list please reach out to us immediately.  If you are an individual that wants to help in any capacity kindly contact UNITED SIKHS by writing to .

Goods: Langar (“Community Kitchen”), Food Bank Pantry Items, Water, Pre-Paid Cards for Food, Hygiene (Men, Women, Children).

Services: Case Manager, Resources (Health (Lifestyle, Fitness, Mental), Legal, Financial, Professional, Informational Services and Support).

We appreciate your continued support: Any feedback, suggestions, comments are encouraged and always welcomed. Please click on the links to become a force of action today in your own city and country whether it is to volunteer or donate to our efforts. 

Associated with the United Nations Dept. of Public Information UNITED SIKHS is a global humanitarian charity that advocates for civil and human rights across 10 chapters. Our International Civil & Human Rights Advocacy helps advance the economic, social and spiritual empowerment of minorities and other marginalized groups and individuals in need, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social status, age or ability. We achieve this by protecting and enforcing the civil and human rights of minorities and marginalized groups in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Visit us at


Jasmit Singh


Facebook authorises DoubleVerify to manage brand safety

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 (Bernama) -- Facebook has certified DoubleVerify (DV) for its Brand Safety capability within the Facebook Marketing Partners (FMP) programme, providing advertisers with streamlined brand safety controls across Facebook inventory.
The integration extends objective, third-party measurement of viewability, brand safety and fraud/SIVT across Facebook ad inventory, giving global advertisers clarity and confidence in their digital investment.
The certification will expand and deepen DV’s brand safety protection across Facebook’s in-stream video inventory, Instant Articles and Audience Network, a statement said.
The social network company has developed a unique automation API that will enable deeper integration between Facebook and the DV platform, allowing direct, timely access to Facebook’s information.
Through the API, DV will be able to centralise brand safety setup and management, and automate blocklist updates to Facebook – providing comprehensive brand safety protection while saving buyers time and administrative effort.
Clients of DV will also benefit from the same comprehensive coverage on Facebook as they do across other buying platforms – including the ability to monitor more than 75 content avoidance categories, create site and app override lists, and target away from undesirable apps.
DoubleVerify is the leading independent provider of marketing measurement software, data and analytics. More details at

P&G partners Loop on reusable packaging

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 (Bernama) -- The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) has joined up with Loop to introduce new “collect and recycle” circular solutions that help eliminate waste.

Eleven P&G brands like Pantene, Febreze, Oral-B, Gillette, Pampers and Always will be available via Loop, with system-testing to begin mid-2019 in New York and Paris.

P&G scientists and engineers have developed innovative manufacturing, packaging and distribution solutions that will delight consumers and make sustainable living easy for participating consumers.

How will it work 

Consumers visit the Loop website, or Loop partner retailer’s websites, and shop for trusted brands now redesigned to be packaging waste-free.

They then receive their products in Loop’s exclusively designed, state-of-the-art shipping tote that eliminates the need for single-use shipping materials like cardboard boxes.

There won’t be a need to clean and dispose of the package; when consumers finish their products, they just place the empty package into the Loop tote and Loop will pick it up directly from their home.

Loop’s team of scientists has developed custom cleaning technologies so that each product can be safely reused.

Loop promptly replenishes products as needed and returns the refilled shipping totes to the consumer.

If there is recoverable used product such as diapers, pads, razors or brush parts, they will be reclaimed to be reused or recycled.

P&G’s partnership with Loop was announced at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland and further advances its ongoing commitment to turning sustainable intentions into positive everyday actions.

“We’re proud to partner with TerraCycle as the first CPG (consumer packaged goods) company to be part of this transformative programme, which is just one of the many ways we are delivering on our Ambition 2030 goals to accelerate sustainable innovation and drive circular solutions. The time to act is now,” said P&G vice president and chief sustainability officer, Virginie Helias, in a statement today.

“Through the power and reach of trusted brands such as those of P&G we will be able to change consumers' habits and achieve the scale required for the model to achieve its objectives,” said TerraCycle chief executive officer, Tom Szaky.

For details, visit or


Thursday, January 24, 2019

SolarWinds heads for Cisco Live!

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 23 (Bernama) -- SolarWinds has announced it will be participating in Cisco Live! EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) from Jan 28 to Feb 1, in Barcelona, Spain.

The leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software will exhibit its latest network management portfolio updates designed to provide deeper visibility into network environments.

“We’re looking forward to showing how the SolarWinds Orion Platform can provide a fully-integrated set of capabilities with a single pane of glass which is designed to deliver deep insight into the health and performance of applications and infrastructure,” said SolarWinds EMEA sales group vice president, Ludovic Neveu.

SolarWinds head geeks, Patrick Hubbard and Sascha Giese, will be among the technical experts at booth S20A who will demonstrate how the latest SolarWinds network management portfolio updates are designed to be deployed easily and rapidly, with an improved and centrally-managed upgrade process.

Over 275,000 customers worldwide use SolarWinds IT management software, which enables IT professionals to identify and address a complete range of IT infrastructure performance issues.

For more information, visit


Toshiba expands lineup for automotive and industrial applications

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 (Bernama) -- Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (Toshiba) has expanded its lineup of automotive Ethernet bridge ICs with the new ‘TC9562 series’.
Sample shipments will start in February while volume production will start in October, a statement said.
The series include TC9562AXBG, which offers more interfaces than Toshiba’s current bridge ICs; TC9562BXBG which supports Ethernet TSN and Ethernet AVB; and TC9562XBG, which offers simpler IC configuration than current products.
More and more road vehicles have on-board connectivity, equipping them with internet and cellular access, and allowing information to be shared among on-board systems and devices and with external systems and services.
These developments require more complex automotive communication systems supported by reliable transmission standards with real-time data delivery. The Ethernet TSN standard was developed expressly to meet these needs.
In addition, the Ethernet AVB specification offers real-time reliable data transmission and is increasingly used in vehicles.
Toshiba is among the leading general devices companies, offering customers and business partners outstanding solutions in discrete semiconductors, system LSIs and HDD. More details at


Enabling Global Exchanges for Personal Assets

HO CHI MINH, Vietnam, Jan 23 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) -- V-CAT Vietnam will develop a new type of crowdfunding services that uses digital currency. A platform that uses the JC-coin digital currency will be built, and all data involved in transactions will be safely protected with leading-edge blockchain technology. Any user with JC-coins can exchange any physical or digital assets they might own on the platform for more JC-coins. This will provide the funding needed to develop revolutionary new products and services, together with users worldwide, and will enable new investments in all kinds of different businesses.

V-CAT is proceeding with development of the MALLLESS platform in advance of an April 2019 launch of services. The goal is to host 10 million users worldwide by 2020. What makes MALLLESS unique is that businesses and individuals can take advantage of the point-transfer transaction model website and the proprietary wallet mechanism, both of which enable any selling of new or used goods, or of intangibles. There is also conversions possible for key virtual currencies like Bitcoin, and for real world currencies like dollars and euros. There will also be compatibility with the JAM point system ( that V-CAT already offers.



Wednesday, January 23, 2019

SevOne hastens British Telecom´s digital transformation

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 16 (Bernama) – British Telecom (BT) has chosen SevOne Data Platform for next generation performance management to accelerate the execution of its digital transformation strategy.
“The SevOne Data Platform will provide BT with far greater analytics into its digital network infrastructure, enabling them to find and address the root cause of bottlenecks and other issues much faster than before,” said chief executive officer of SevOne, Jack Sweeney, in a statement.
SevOne, which developed the platform, said it simplified the extraction, enrichment and analysis of network and machine data from across multi-vendor environments, enabling users to collect performance at scale and provide actionable events based on automatic, abnormal condition detection.
Featuring real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities, the platform supports the latest software defined network (SDN) technologies, Enterprise WiFi and multi-vendor software defined wide area network (SD-WAN) architectures.
The platform will provide BT’s service teams with a single, real-time view of the health of their customers’ networks, hence to rapidly detect and help resolve issues, minimising costly downtime and disruption.
BT’s customers will have a complete end-to-end view of their applications’ performance and data flows. This will help them make better informed decisions on how to prioritise network resources across their business.
“With support for our network today, along with next generation network technologies including multi-vendor SD-WAN, SevOne will enable us to roll out new products and services to our clients today and into the future,” said chief technology information officer, Global Services of BT, Hriday Ravindranath.
SevOne is a leading provider of network and infrastructure management solutions headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. More details at

MPP Global launches new functionality for eSuite platform

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- MPP Global – a technology company that delivers eSuite, the world’s smartest subscriber management and billing platform – has launched a new functionality in the platform which enables media organisations to create and manage the sale of physical subscriptions.
The company, in a statement, said the development of this functionality was borne out of the common challenge for publishers when managing multiple systems for deploying bundled and digital subscriptions.
In response to the challenges, MPP Global has worked with its vast media client base to develop a rich set of features for eSuite, enabling the successful launch of print, digital and bundled packages by using a single cloud platform.
The platform now offers complete subscription management for bundles, which combine digital, print and physical products, resulting in improved operational efficiency, increased speed-to-market and reduced cost of ownership.
Media organisations can quickly and easily deploy new products and services, accessing a single, central system for customer, fulfilment and entitlement management and reporting.
“With the Physical Subscriptions feature update, our clients can create pre-defined digital and physical product bundles or enable customers to build their own bundles using streamlined cart functionality,” said MPP Global chief executive officer and co-founder, Paul Johnson.
More details at


Japan´s Odakyu Group drawing tourists this Lunar New Year

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 (Bernama) -- The Odakyu Group has kicked off the ‘2019 Lunar New Year Campaign’ from Jan 16 to Feb 15, 2019 by offering qualified travellers coupons for use and special goods aboard the Limited Express Romancecar trains.

The coupons worth 500 yen (100JPY = RM3.77) each can be used in Tokyo’s Shinjuku, Hakone, Enoshima and Kamakura districts at designated facilities, a statement from Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd said.

The coupons are distributed by Odakyu Sightseeing Service Centers in Shinjuku to each of the customers who purchase the Hakone Kamakura Pass -- a 6,500 yen excursion ticket exclusively for inbound tourists.

The pass allows its holders to enjoy services made available by Hakone Freepass and Enoshima-Kamakura Freepass as well as unlimited rides on all lines operated by Odakyu Electric Railway. Holders are also able to receive preferential services from facilities arranged by Odakyu.

A ‘Japanese Sweets Set’ filled with charms along the Odakyu rail lines is sold aboard Limited Express Romancecar trains during the campaign. The set consists of Japanese sweets produced along the Odakyu lines, special chopsticks, a towel and other items.

As part of the campaign, staff members at Odakyu railway stations and in the Enoshima and Hakone areas wear the ‘Omotenashi’ (hospitality) badge’, bearing messages such as ‘Have a nice trip’ in six languages.

The Odawara and Hakone-Yumoto stations are also decorated for the Lunar New Year to welcome inbound tourists. For more information, visit


Saturday, January 19, 2019


RENSSELAER, N.Y., Jan 18 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Taconic Biosciences, a global leader in providing genetically engineered rodent model solutions, announces the completion of a recent mission to the International Space Station.

This project represents a collaboration between the International Space Station (ISS) National Lab, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Bioserve Space Technologies with support from the Leidos Corporation, and Taconic.  Taconic has participated in several spaceflight missions with NASA since 1985.  Most recently, as part of the science and research investigation payloads supported by the SpaceX Commercial Resupply Services missions, Taconic prepared mice to live aboard the International Space Station for extended periods.

Previous spaceflight studies demonstrated that mice undergo rapid loss of muscle and bone mass, resembling accelerated aging.  Therefore, mice exposed to microgravity via spaceflight are a valuable model to understand and develop new therapies for aging-related immune, bone, and muscle disease processes.  The Rodent Research 8 (RR-8) mission, also referred to as Rodent Research Reference mission 1 (RRR-1), studies the microgravity effects on groups of young and old BALB/cAnTac mice flown on the same mission.  Information gathered from this project will prove invaluable as control data for past and future missions.

“Participation in the Rodent Research missions is both exciting and inspiring, as the research advances our understanding of how microgravity conditions impact mammalian biology. Over a year of planning and effort goes into preparing animal cohorts to ensure all animals are within the mission specs at the time of launch, so seeing the project through to completion is very rewarding,” shared Dr. Gretchen Kusek, associate director of scientific services with Taconic.

“Taconic has been a valued partner for many rodent research missions to the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory and on the shuttle before that,” said Dr. Michael Roberts, deputy chief scientist for the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory. “We believe that the knowledge gained from this unique and exciting rodent research reference mission will have the ability to bring insight to improve patient care here on Earth.”

In September 2018, ISS National Lab issued a request for proposal (RFP) for investigators to access the information generated from this study.  Those selected will receive funding to carry out additional research.

To learn more about how Taconic’s animal model solutions can progress your research, please call 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) in the US, +45 70 23 04 05 in Europe, or email

About Taconic Biosciences, Inc.
Taconic Biosciences is a fully-licensed, global leader in genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic provides the best animal solutions so that customers can acquire, custom generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute valuable research models worldwide. Specialists in genetically engineered mouse and rat models, precision research mouse models, and integrated model design and breeding services, Taconic operates three service laboratories and six breeding facilities in the U.S. and Europe, maintains distributor relationships in Asia and has global shipping capabilities to provide animal models almost anywhere in the world.


KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) will be organising a Seminar on Furniture and Wood-Based Industry on 23 January 2019 at the Le Meridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah. The event is organised as part of MIDA’s effort to promote Sabah as the next investment destination for wood and wood-based industry in Malaysia.

The hosting of this event in Sabah is a step in the right direction which acknowledges the furniture and wood-based industry as one of the key industries to be developed in Sabah. It is also in line with the State Government’s measure to safeguard local industries and boost more downstream activities which will eventually increase the economic development and living standards of the local communities in Sabah.

The seminar comes at a time when Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal had recently announced his plan to make Sandakan as a furniture centre in Sabah. Sandakan was chosen for its proximity to several Forest Management Units (FMUs) within the State, which is ideal for downstream value-added timber activities.

Themed, ‘New Era of Manufacturing for Furniture & Wood-Based Industry’, the seminar will focus on automation and smart manufacturing to promote the adoption of industry 4.0 among the wood-based industry players. Participants will be updated on the latest government policies and strategies; the promoted industries and industrial park in Sabah; as well as insights on MIDA’s organisational mechanism in promoting and coordinating investment development in the furniture industry.

The Government through MIDA has been facilitating the development of wood and wood-based industry through a range of facilities and supports.

CBS Products Sdn Bhd, for example, is a manufacturer of eco-friendly biomass products in Bintulu, Sarawak that has benefitted from the Pioneer Status incentive approved by MIDA. According to Dato Hii Poh Bing, Chairman of Cipta Group of Companies, “When we first started venturing into green biomass manufacturing, we encountered a lot of difficulties in making good quality briquette charcoals, as well as in marketing and finance. With the incentive granted by MIDA, our company survived throughout the years and even undertake the Research and Development (R&D) activities to improve our briquette charcoal's quality”.

HeveaBoard Berhad, Malaysia's first Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) certified particleboard manufacturer has its own story. According to Mr Yoong Hau Chun, Group Managing Director of HeveaBoard Berhad, “Over the past 25 years since incorporation, HeveaBoard has greatly benefited from the incentive and facilities offered by MIDA. We also received import duty exemption on machinery, parts and special materials for our new plant which helped to reduce our project costs. Our Plant 2 uses the ‘state-of-the-art’ machines from Germany. To recruit and train the specialist personnel needed, we managed to obtain Training Grants and Expatriate Work Permits. This has contributed to enhancing the skills of our staff in managing such machines. The recent incentive received by our company was the Investment Tax Allowance (ITA) for the Greentech project on waste heat recovery. We look forward to consult MIDA in optimising the facilities provided by the Government for our future business plans”.

Segamat Panel Boards (SPB) Sdn Bhd’s Managing Director, Mr Peter Fitch said that “As a foreign investor for more than 15 years in Malaysia, SPB has found MIDA to be a very helpful, efficient and informative in facilitating investments in Malaysia. MIDA is a ‘one-stop’ initial point of contact that can facilitate introductions to all the government and private bodies to ensure your investment is smooth and problem free. MIDA together with the Sabah State Government are promoting Sabah as the new growth hub for furniture and timber-related businesses in Malaysia. We would recommend new and existing related companies to consider Sabah for their next major investment seriously.”

As at September 2018, a total of 2,919 projects on furniture and wood-based products projects have been approved by MIDA with investment worth RM33.02 billion. Majority of these investment or 67% (RM22.14 billion) were from domestic sources, while the rest (33% or RM10.88 billion) were from foreign sources. The approved investment on furniture and wood-based products in Sabah during the period was 466 projects with total investment of RM5.36 billion.

Malaysia is the largest exporter of tropical logs and sawn timber; the 2nd largest supplier of plywood and 9th largest exporter of furniture in the world market. “Made in Malaysia” furniture products are exported to over 160 countries worldwide with the United States being the top export destination followed by Japan, Singapore, Australia and United Kingdom.

Friday, January 18, 2019


LONDON, Jan 16 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) -- Global market research company Euromonitor International unveiled today a new white paper highlighting the top 10 global consumer trends to watch in 2019.

The annual report reveals emerging trends that provide insight into changing consumers’ values and explore how their behaviour is disrupting business globally.

“Intelligence is the common thread linking all trends in 2019. In a world full of choices, consumers’ needs and wants are fast-changing. How we live is so centrally dependent on the choices available that the biggest issue we face is how to make sense of it all,” comments Gina Westbrook, director of lifestyles at Euromonitor International.

According to the white paper, older consumers should be at the centre of business strategies. Later lifers are in better financial shape than the rest of the population, boasting the highest spending power among all age groups. People aged 50-59 years old earned 28 percent above the average income of all age groups in 2018.

“As people live longer and take better care of themselves, seniors feel and want to be treated as younger. Older consumers today have much more in common with the values and priorities of younger generations than one might think,” Westbrook adds.

Older generations are at the core of the ‘Loner Living’ trend, as seniors living alone far outnumber younger generations. According to the new study, the number of single-person households will increase by about 120 million by 2030.

“The Loner Living trend will become increasingly important as people – especially older consumers - across the world break the stigma of living alone and embrace their independent lifestyles,” comments Alison Angus, head of lifestyles at Euromonitor International. “Products and services that help these consumers celebrate their proudly independent lifestyles will succeed in capturing this growing market segment,” Angus adds.

Although people are living more independently, they still want to connect with others. At the root of the Digitally Togethertrend identified in the report is technological advancement providing authentic, life-like interactions online.

According Euromonitor International’s Lifestyle Survey, 45 percent of global consumers share photos or videos weekly, up from 38 percent in 2015, creating digital moments that can be looked back on and relived eternally. “The ‘Digitally Together’ trend will continue to shape how we connect and collaborate, create and experience together while physically apart,” Angus concludes.
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Nathalia Ariza
Senior Communications Executive - Euromonitor International
Tel: +55 11 2970 2175

Source : Euromonitor International


Thomas Cheong to lead Principal Asia

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 16 (Bernama) – President of Principal North Asia, Thomas Cheong has been promoted to be the president of Principal Asia, effective March 2.

According to a statement, he will also assume the leadership for South Asia in addition to his current role.

President and chief executive officer, Principal International, Luis Valdés said Cheong’s extensive experience in asset management, pension and life insurance businesses made him ideal to lead and reinforce Principal’s long-term commitment to its Asia markets.

Meanwhile, president of Principal South Asia and India, Pedro Borda is being promoted to senior vice president and chief operating officer of Principal International.

In his new role, Borda will play an integral role in partnering with the company’s global leadership teams to develop and implement business development and digital transformation strategies.

“Asia represents the fastest-growing region for Principal International and is essential to our long-term strategy,” said Valdés.

Borda replaces Renee Schaaf, who is assuming the role of president of Principal Retirement and Income Solutions in March.

Principal helps people and companies worldwide to build, protect and advance their financial well-being through retirement, insurance and asset management solutions. More details at




Thursday, January 17, 2019

Singapore´s Space Executive among best workplaces for 2019

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 (Bernama) -- Space Executive, a boutique executive search business, has been certified as one of the best places to work in Singapore for 2019.

The company received outstanding scores across several aspects of its workplace such as leadership, compensation and benefits, recognition, teamwork and opportunities for employee growth.

“Space has a fantastic culture. We set the bar very high in terms of the quality of individuals that we offer roles to and once they are part of the family, we do everything we can to incentivise them as well as listen to them as to what we can positively influence and change in the organisation,” said Space Executive general manager, Marek Danyluk, in a statement.

The Best Places to Work program is an international program providing employers in different countries the opportunity to learn more about the engagement and satisfaction of their employees and honour those who deliver an outstanding work experience.

It focuses on eight Workplace factors including workplace culture, recognition and reward programs, wellness support and work-life balance, and overall employee satisfaction with the company's people practices.

More details at