Thursday, June 20, 2024

Duck Creek Technologies CEO Is New England’s Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 Winner

KUALA LUMPUR, June 19 (Bernama) -- Duck Creek Technologies chief executive officer (CEO), Mike Jackowski, was named winner for Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 New England Award by Ernst & Young LLP (EY US).

According to a statement, Entrepreneur Of The Year is the preeminent competitive awards programme for entrepreneurs and leaders of high-growth companies.

Jackowski expressed his gratitude to Ernst & Young and the judging panel on behalf of Duck Creek for bestowing this award stating he is honoured and humbled to be recognised as an Entrepreneur Of The Year in New England.

“I have the privilege of working alongside some of the finest and most talented professionals in the insurance industry and this award would not be possible without the support of the entire Duck Creek team,” he said.

Jackowski was selected by an independent judging panel made up of previous award winners, leading CEOs and other business leaders.

Candidates were evaluated based on their ability to create long-term value through entrepreneurial spirit, commitment to their purpose and the demonstration of growth and substantial impact, among other key indicators.

As a New England award winner, Jackowski is now eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 National Awards, whereby the National Overall Award winner will then move on to compete for the World Entrepreneur Of The Year Award in June 2025.

Entrepreneur Of The Year recognises many different types of business leaders for their ingenuity, courage and entrepreneurial spirit.

The programme celebrates original founders who bootstrapped their business from inception or who raised outside capital to grow their company; transformational CEOs who infused innovation into an existing organisation to catapult its trajectory; and multigenerational family business leaders who reimagined a legacy business model to fortify it for the future.

Entrepreneur Of The Year Award winners become lifetime members of a global, multi-industry community of entrepreneurs, whereby they receive exclusive, ongoing access to the experience, insight and wisdom of programme alumni as well as other ecosystem members in more than 60 countries, all supported by vast EY resources.


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